Page 356 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 356


                           CIRCLE – IMPORTANT LINES AND THEOREMS

    Autor: PAVLE PETROVIĆ, VII-1, Osnovna škola ‟‟Mihailo Petrović Alas‟‟, Beograd

    Mentor:  VIOLETA  KOMNENOVIĆ,  profesor  matematike,  ETŠ  ‟‟Nikola  Tesla‟‟,



    U radu je obraĊen pojam kruga (sa kruţnicom) sa prikazom osnovnih definicija i pojmova.

    Opisuje  se  i  odnos  dva  osnovna  geometrijska  pojma  –  taĉke  i  prave  –  prema  krugu  i

    kruţnici. Razmatrane su vaţne prave kruga, tangenta i seĉica. Dat je osvrt n tangentnu duţ

    kao  element  tangente  i  tetivu  kao  element  seĉice.  Naĉinjen  je  izbor  teorema  koje

    razmatraju  vaţne  osobine  tangente  i  seĉice,  uz  dokaze  koji  su  prilagoĊeni  za  osnovnu
    školu. U poglavlju “diskusija” date su smernice za dalji rad.

    Kljuĉne reĉi: krug, kruţnica, prava, duţ, teorema


    In this paper the term of the circle (with the circle line) is processed and some principal

    definitions and terms are presented. Also the relationship between the circle and the two

    main geometrical terms – the point and the line – is described. The important lines of the

    circle  areconsidered,  the  tangent  and  the  secant.  The  terms  of  tangential  and  secant

    segments  is  also  introduced.  Several  theorems  have  been  chosen  that  comprise  the

    important properties of tangent and secant, and their proofs have been adopted for primary

    school level. In the “discussion” section direction is given for further research and studies.

    Keywords: circle, circle line, straight line, line segment, theorem
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