Page 359 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 359

                                                    THE COUNTING

    Uĉenik : Nikolina Marković VII razred OŠ „Vojislav Voka Savić“

    Mentor : Violeta Komnenović dipl. matematiĉar


    Prebrojavanje ili enumeracija predstavlja vaţan deo diskretne matematike.Prouĉavanje ove

    oblasti poĉelo je još u XVII veku uporedo sa nastankom teorije verovatnoće.Prebrojavanje
    se  bavi  prebrojavanjem  skupa  objekata  sa  odreĊenim  svojstvima.Skupove  moramo
    prebrojavati         da         bismo          rešili       razliĉite        vrste         problema.

    Ja      ću      istraţivati      u      oblasti      prebrojavanja       geometrijskih        figura.
    Ono što me je podstaklo na istraţivanje u ovoj oblasti je to što do rešenja moţemo doći i
    neposrednim  prebrojavanjem  i  razmišljanjem,ali  ponekad  to nije  precizno  pa ipak treba

    postupiti po odreĊenim matematiĉkim principima.

               Kljuĉne reĉi : poluprava,duţ,ugao,ĉetvorougao,trougao .


     The  counting  or  enumeration  is  an  important  part  of  discrete  mathematics.
     The study of this area began in the XVII century,along with the beginning of theory of
     probability.The  counting  involves  the  group  of  objects  with  certain  properties.These
     groups we have to count in order to solve different types of problems.I will explore in the

     area of counting geometric figures.What prompted me to research in this area is that we
     can come up with a solution by direct counting and thinking,but sometimes that is not
     precise     yet    so    we     need    to    act    on    certain    mathematical       principles.

     Key        words         :      ray,line       segment,angle,rectangle           and        triangle.
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