Page 357 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 357
Uĉenik: NIKOLA UROŠEVIĆ ,VII razred OŠ,,Milorad Labudović Labud”, Baroševac
Mentor: VESNA RAJŠIĆ, profesor matematike Elektrotehniĉka škola ,, Nikola Tesla”
, Beograd
U Mesopotamiji su matematiku shvatali i koristili za praktiĉne potrebe. Vavilonci su
od Sumeraca u aritmetici nasledili heksagezimalni( šezdesetiĉni ) sistem, gde se raĉuna sa
brojem 60 kao osnovom. To je prvi sistem u kojem je jedan te isti znak mogao da oznaĉi
razliĉite brojeve, već prema mestu , to jest prema poziciji koju zauzima. Mesopotamskim
matematiĉarima nedostajala je algebarska simbolika. 60-iĉni sistem postao je trajna
svojina ĉoveĉanstva. Hendikep vavilonske numeracije bilo je dugotrajno odsustvo nule –
sve do 3. veka p.n.e. IzraĊivanje tablica opšti je metod stare vavilonske matematike. Oni
su imali tablice reciproĉnih vrednosti, tablice mnoţenja, tablice kvadrata za broj N i sliĉno.
Vrhunac drevne sumersko-vavilonske aritmetike je, bez sumnje, u rešavanju algebarskih
Znali su i za Pitagorinu teoremu, ali bez ikakvih dokaza.
Matematika Mesopotamije bila je praktiĉna iskustvena disciplina, nešto poput
eksperimantalne prirodne nauke ĉija su se znanja otkrivala, beleţila i koristila, ali bez
pokušaja i bez svesti da matematiĉka znanja, na bilo koji naĉin traţe dokaz.
Kljuĉne reĉi: matematika , Mesopotamija, šezdesetiĉni sistem , pozicioni sistem ,
In Mesopotamia, mathematics was understood for practical needs. The Babylonians
inherited from the Sumerians in mathematics hexagezimal system in which number 60 is
used as a base for calculation. This is the first system in which the same sing could mark
different numbers by their place, that is the position occupied.The Mesopotamian
mathematics lacked the algebraic symbolism.The hexagezimal system became the
permanent property of the mankind. The handicap of Babylonian numbering was the
long-term lack of zero – until the third century BC. The manufacturing of plates was the
general method of the old Babylonian mathematics. They used to have the tables for
reciprocal value, multiplication tables , square tables for the number N and the the like.
The highlight of the ancient Sumerian –Babylonian arithmetics was , no doubt, in solving
algebraic equations. They had also known about the Pythagoren theorem, but without any
evidnce. Mesopotamian mathematics was practical and empirial discipline , something like
expermental science whose skills were discovered, recorder and used but with no attempt
and no awareness that the mathematical knowledge, in any way, seeks proof.
Key words: mathematics , Mesopotamia, hexagezimal system , positing system,