Page 353 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 353
Uĉenici: Ana Milinović VII razred, Osnovna škola ,,Dule Karaklajić”, Lazarevac
Ana Gajić VII razred, Osnovna škola ,,Dule Karaklajić”, Lazarevac
Mentor: Vesna Rajšić, profesor matematike ETŠ ,,Nikola Tesla”, Beograd
Euklid je bio grĉki matematiĉar. Hiljadama godina,ljudi koji su ţeleli da vide geometriju
najpre su gledali kroz njegov prozor. Euklidov rad je krunisan ,,Elementima“. To je jedno od
najuticajnijih,najĉuvenijih i najĉitajnijih dela. On je u ,,Elementima“ iz nekoliko
definicija,postulata i aksioma dedukovao sve sloţenija tvrdjenja. Postulat paralelnosti je
najpoznatiji postulat euklidove geometrije i vekovima je privlaĉio paţnju. Više od dvadeset
vekova su trajali pokušaji da se ovaj postulat svede na teoremu. Oni su na kraju doveli do
postavljanja osnova za neke drugaĉije geometrije.
KLJUĈNE REĈI: Postulat paralelnosti,euklidska geometrija,neeuklidska geometrija,
Euclid was a Greek mathematician. For thousands years, people who wanted to see the
geometry, first looked through his window. Euclid's work was crowned with his “ The
Elements” . It‟s one of the most influential, the most famous and readable work. He deduced
almost all of statements trough definitions, postulates and axioms in “The Elements”. The
postulate of parallelism is the most famous postulate of Euclid‟s geometry, and for centuries
has attracted the attention. More than twenty centuries lasted attempts to reduce this postulate
to the theorem. Finally, they came to the basis for some different geometries..
KEY WORDS: parallel postulate, Euclidean geometry, Non-Euclidean geometry, ,,Elements”