Page 351 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 351
AUTORI: JOVANA BUGARIĆ, VII-4, Osnovna škola „Josif Panĉiĉ“, Beograd; DANICA PULJEZEVIĆ, VII-5,
Osnovna škola „Josif Panĉiĉ“, Beograd
MENTOR: VESNA RAJŠIĆ, profesor matematike, ETŠ „Nikola Tesla“, Beograd
U radu je prikazan odnos između pravilnog mnogougla upisanog u krug i kruga u smislu kako se sa
povedanjem broja stranica mnogougla obim i površina mnogougla približavaju obimu i površini kruga.
Izbor vrednosti za poluprečnik kruga r=1 omoguduje da se sa povedanjem broja stranica mnogougla,
izračunavanjem površine i obima, direktno određuje približna vrednost broja π. Za različite brojeve
stranica mnogougla, upisanog u krug poluprečnika r=1, izračunata je apsolutna i relativna greška
razlike površina i obima datog mnogougla i kruga, tj. greška pri izračunavanju broja π. Na osnovu
sprovedene analize zaključuje se da se sa povedanjem broja stranica mnogougla upisanog u krug,
obim mnogougla brže približava obimu kruga a samim tim i broju π, nego što je to slučaj pri
izračunavanju površine.
Ključne reči: mnogougao, krug, broj π.
This paper shows relations between regular polygon inscribed in circle and circle, in the sense how
perimeter and area of a polygon are approximating circumference and area of a circle when number
of polygon sides is increasing. Choosing value r=1 for circle radius, enables direct determination of
approximate value of π through calculation of perimeter and area of a polygon by increasing number
of polygon sides. For different number of sides of polygon inscribed in circle with radius r=1, absolute
and relative errors of difference between perimeter and area of a polygon and circumference and
area of a circle are calculated, i.e. errors at calculation of π number. On the basis of carried out
analysis it can be concluded that when number of sides of polygon inscribed in circle is increasing,
perimeter of a polygon faster approximate circumference of a circle, than area of a polygon
approximate circle area. This means that for the same number of polygon sides π will be calculated
more accurate through polygon perimeter.
Key words: polygon, circle, π number.