Page 350 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 350
Autor: Stevan Popović, I-8, ETŠ ,, Nikola Tesla “, Beograd
Mentor: Violeta Komnenović, dipl. Matematiĉar, Etš ,,Nikola Tesla”, Beograd
Prvi špilovi karata su se pravili još u 9. veku u Kini. Pokazivale su ĉlanove carske dinastije i
imale su brojnu vrednost, te su takoĊe bile korišćene za kockanje. Teksas Holdem poker
nastaje ranih godina dvadesetog veka u Teksasu. 1967. god. dolazi u Las Vegas. Izum
kockanja preko interneta je doveo do procvata Teksas holdem pokera i danas je to najigranija
igra sa kartama širom svetskih kazina. Svaki igraĉ pokera se pita tokom igre: ,,Koje su šanse
da sada izaĊe kec na teren?’’, ,,Da li postoji mogućnost da dobijem kentu?’’ i ,,Da li on
povećava ulog zato što ima jake karte ili blefira?’’. Pomoću korišćenja nekih matematiĉkih
operacija svaki posmatraĉ koji ima uvid u sve karte koje se nalaze na terenu moţe prouĉiti
realne osobine pokera. Upravo mi bismo mogli biti ti posmatraĉi.
Kljuĉne reĉi: karte, kombinacije, verovatnoća, blef, igraĉ
The first card decks were made in 9 century in China. They were showing members of royal
family and they had number value, so they were also used for gambling. Texas Hold’Em
poker began in early 20 century in Texas. In 1967. poker came in Las Vegas. The invention
of “internet gambling” made poker one of the most played card games in casinos all around
the globe. Every player wonders during the game: “ What are the odds for ace?” , “Is there
possibility that I’ll get straight?” and “Is he raising the bet because he has strong cards or he
is bluffing?” . Using some mathematical operations, every spectator who can see all the cards
on the table can examine the real poker traits. We could be the spectators.
Key words: cards, combinations, probability, bluff, player