Page 402 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 402



    Autor: MILICA MATORĈEVIĆ, III , Srednja škola, Grocka
    Mentor: VESNA RAJŠIĆ, profesor matematike, Elektrotehniĉka škola „Nikola Tesla“,

    Teorija  verovatnoće  je  matematiĉka  disciplina  koja  izuĉava  zakonitosti  sluĉajnih  pojava.  Ona  je  polazna

    osnova matematiĉke statistike i još mnogih drugih teorija u matematici. Osim u matematici ona ima i veliku
    primenu  i  u  drugim  nauĉnim  oblastima.  Verovatnoća  se  najĉešće  koristi  za  transformaciju  praktiĉnih

    problema u teorijske, radi lakšeg rešavanja problema. TakoĊe verovatnoća se koristi i za opisivanje sloţenih
    sistema na osnovu poznavanja samo njihovog delimiĉnog stanja.

           Interesovanje za verovatnoću potiĉe iz više razloga, ali najviše interesovanja budi zbog igri na sreću i

    osiguravanja od rizika. Teorija verovatnoće se razvijala od XVII veka i najznaĉajniji za njen razvoj bili su
    Blez Paskal i Ferma. Vremenom kako se ova oblast razvijala javio se veliki broj definicija verovatnoće, neke

    od tih definicija biće teme ovog rada. U ovom radu ţelela sam da uvedem neke osnovne  pojmove vezane za
    teoriju verovatnoće i da vidim gde sve ona ima primenu.

    Kljuĉne  reĉi:  verovatnoća,  teorija  verovatnoće,  klasiĉna  definicija  verovatnoće,  uslovna  verovatnoća,

    raspodela verovatnoće.


           Probability  theory  is  a  mathematical  discipline  that  studies  rules  of  random  phenomenon.  It  is  the

    starting point of mathematical statistics and many other theories in mathematics. In addition, it has broad

    application  in  other  fields  of  science  as  well.  Probability  is  commonly  used  for  the  transformation  of
    practical  problems  in  to  theory,  to  facilitate  problem  solving.  Also  the  probability  is  used  to  describe  a

    complex system based on partial knowledge of the sistem.
           Interest in the probability comes from nomerous reasons, but it turns out to be the most interesting when

    it comes to games of chance and risk insurance. Probability theory has been developed since the seventeenth

    century and the most important for its development were Blaise Pascal and Fermat. Overtime, as this area
    developed there arose a large number of definitions of probability. Some of these definitions will be topics of

    this paper. In this paper, I wanted to introduce some basic concepts related to probability theory and find out
    where it can be applied.

    Key  words:  probability,probability  theory,  the  classic  definition  of  probability,  conditional  probability,

    distribution of probability.
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