Page 406 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 406


               ALCOHOLISM AND THE YOUNG PEOPLE Attitudes and behavioural patterns of the students of the
               Mathematical and Philological High Schools in Belgrade

               autor:  Vedrana radosavljevid, učenica III razreda Filološke gimnazije, Regionalni centar za talente, Beograd II

               MENTOR: mr BILJANA NIKOLID, profesor psihologije, Filološka gimnazija, Beograd

               U ovom istraživačkom radu cilj je bio utvrditi stavove i ponašanja učenika prema alkoholu. Primenjena
               metoda  rada  bila  je  sistematsko  neeksperimentalno  istraživanje,  a    tehnika  –  anonimna  anketa  koja  se
               sastojala  od  18  pitanja  u  vezi  sa  mišljenjem  učenika  o  alkoholu  i    njihovom  konzumiranju  alkohola.
               Ispitanici  su  bili  po  uspehu  najbolji  učenici  Filološke  i  Matematičke  gimnazije  približno  ravnomerno
               zastupljeni po polu, starosti i školama.  Jedna od pretpostavki je bila da anketirani manje koriste alkohol u
               odnosu  na  populaciju  prosečnih  (po  školskom  uspehu)  mladih  osoba.  Obrazloženje  za  ovakvu
               pretpostavku je da učenici koji su radili anketu nemaju problema sa učenjem. Nakon obrade podataka iz
               ankete, dobijeni su rezultati koji potvrđuju ovu pretpostavku, ali razlika ipak nije velika. Učenici Filološke
               i Matematičke gimnazije u značajnom broju koriste alkohol i čini se da to ne utiče na njihov školski uspeh.
               Druge dve pretpostavke bile su da će se rezultati ankete razlikovati u odnosu na  starost i pol. Prva od ove
               dve  pretpostavke  je  potvrđena,  to  jest  dokazano  je  da  učenici  nižih  razreda  manje  koriste  alkohol  od
               starijih učenika. Međutim, rezultati ne pokazuju bitne razlike u odnosu na pol. Iako cilj istraživanja nije
               bio  da  pokaže  vezu  između  porodice  i  korišćenja  alkohola  kod  mladih,  došlo  se  do  veoma  značajnih
               podataka koji pokazuju da veliki broj roditelja ne reaguje na konzumiranje alkohola svoje dece iako zna za
               to.  Takođe  je  bitno  da  četvrtina  učenika  nikada  ne  razgovara  sa  roditeljima  o  problemu  korišćenja
               alkohola.  Ovi  podaci  otvaraju  mogućnosti  za  dalja  istraživanja  u  kojima  bi  se  više  pažnje  obratilo  na
               povezanost porodice i konzumiranja alkohola kod mladih.

               Ključne reči: alkohol, mladi, alkoholizam, školski uspeh, odnos roditelja


               The aim of this survey was to establish attitudes and behavioural patterns of high school students towards
               the use of alcohol. The method used in the survey was a systematic non-experimental research and the
               technique – an anonymous questionnaire with 18 questions on the opinions of the students concerning
               alcohol  and  alcohol  consumption.  The  informants  were  the  best  students  in  the  respective  schools,
               approximately evenly represented as to their age, sex and the two schools. One of the hypotheses was that
               the  informants  use  less  alcohol  compared  to  the  average  students  (average  according  to  the  school
               achievement). The rationale behind this hypothesis is that the informants do not have learning difficulties.
               After processing the data obtained from the questionnaire, the hypothesis was confirmed by the results,
               though  the  difference  was  not  large.  A  great  number  of  students  of  both  the  Philological  and  the
               Mathematical school consume alcohol and it does not seem to affect their school achievement. The other
               two  hypotheses  assumed  that  the  results  would  differ  according  to  age  and  sex.  The  first  of  the  two
               hypotheses was confirmed, i.e. it was shown that the students of lower grades consume alcohol less than
               the students of higher grades. However, the results do not show any significant difference according to
               sex. Although the aim of the survey was not to show the correlation of family and alcohol consummation,
               it did reveal significant data as to the number of parents who do not show any reaction to their children's
               use of alcohol, though they are aware of it. It should also be pointed out that one fourth of the informants
               never talk with their parents about the problems of consuming alcohol. These data open up possibilities of
               further investigation in which more attention could be paid to the correlation of the families of young
               people and their consummation of alcohol.
               Key words: alcohol, the young people, alcoholism, school achievement, parent reaction
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