Page 407 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 407


                                         THE FEAR FROM GOING TO THE DOCTOR

               Autor: Miljanid Mirjana, ucenica 3. razreda Gimnazije u Lazarevcu, Mentori: Aleksid Andrijana, prof.psihologije u Gimnaziji u
               Lazarevcu, Milisavljevid Jasmina, psiholog pri  Centru za talente


               Strah je afektivna manifestacija vitalnog motiva samoodržanja, odnosno nasleđeni obrazac ponašanja. To je primarna emocija,
               pa je strah veoma prisutan u životu ljudi. Strah od odlaska lekaru je prisutan u određenoj meri u drušvu, narocito među mlađom
               populacijom  i  sa  godinama  se  smanjuje.  U  pitanju  je  anksioznost,  strepnja,  pa  predstavlja  autonomno  duševno  stanje,  koje
               nastupa usled neke unutrašnje ili spoljašnje draži, neprijatno je i ima karakter strepnje. Ovim istraživanjem trebalo je otkriti
               osnovne uzroke straha, oblike njegovog manifestovanja, kao i načine prevazilaženja, kod adolescenata, kao ciljne grupe. To je
               izvršeno primenom ankete (upitnik, koji su popunjavali učenici i intervju, koji je urađen u saradnji sa lekarima). Ustanovljeno je

               da strah zaista postoji kod vecine ispitanika u određenoj meri, ali je znatno manji od straha od stomatologa. Isto tako, češdi
               ''dodir'' sa medicinskim osobljem, kao i poznavanje metoda koje se primenjuju u medicini (nivo znanja), uslovili su intenzitet
               straha.  Isto  tako,  različite  bolesti  izazivaju  različita  reagovanja.  Česte  i  dugotrajne  glavobolje,  gušenje  i  smetnje  u
               govogu/vidu/sluhu,  najčešdi  su  znaci  za  uzbunu.  S  obzirom  na  osobenosti,  polovi  su  odvojeno  posmatrani,  ali  utvrđene  su
               zakonitosti, koje se javljaju kod oba pola. Između ostalog, injekcije izazivaju najveci strah kod ispitanika oba pola, ali ni vakcine
               ne  zaostaju.  Zaključak  je  da  i  pored  svih  neprijatnosti  vezanih  za  lekare  i  medicinsko  osoblje,  ili  medicinske  instrumente,
               ispitanici na prvo mesto stavljaju zdravlje, pa odlazak lekaru smatraju kako kulturološkom tako i životnom obavezom.

               Ključne reči:strah, anksioznost, lekar, bolest, neprijatnost


               Fear iz an emotional manifestation of the vital motive of self-preservation, i.e. it is an inherited pattern of behaviour. It is a main
               emotion, so it is very present in daily life of people. The fear from going to the doctor is present in our society to some extent,
               especially among the younger population, and lessons during the years. It is anxiety, worry, so it represents an autonomous
               mental state, which comes forth because of some inner or outer stimulation, it is unpleasant, and it has character of anxiety.

               By this experiment it was supposed to discover the basic reasons for fear, forms of its manifestations, and the ways of exceeding
               it at adolescents, as the aim group. It was done by the use of a poll (a questionnaire, which was filled in by pupils and the
               interview, which was done in  cooperation with the doctors). It was found that fear really exists at most of the questioned
               persons to a certain extent , but it is much less than the fear from the dentist. Similarly, more frequent “touch” with the medical
               staff, the same as the knowledge of the methods which are applied in medicine (the level of knowledge) have brought about the
               intensity of fear. Similarly, different illnesses cause different reactions. Frequent and long-lasting headaches, suffocation and
               obstacles in speech/eyesight/hearing are the most frequent signs for an emergency.MConsidering the characteristics, the sexes

               are  observed  separately,  but  the  laws  which  appear  at  both  sexes  are  established.  Among  others,  the  infections  cause  the
               greatest fear at the questioned persons of both sexes, but the vaccines do not fall behind, either. The conclusion is that, even
               beside all the difficulties concerning doctors and medical staff or medical instruments, the questioned persons put health in the
               first place, so that is why they consider going to the doctor as the cultural obligation, as well as life obligation.

               Key words: fear, anxiety, doctors, illness, trouble
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