Page 408 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 408

                                                   SCHOOL ''LAZA KOSTIĆ''
               AUTOR: ANA STEFANOVID, učenica III razreda Trede beogradske gimnazije, Regionalni centar za talente, Beograd II, MENTOR:
               Nataša Tošid, diplomirani defektolog, Regionalni Centar za talentovanu i nadarenu decu II

                      Cilj ovog istraživačkog rada je da se utvrdi nivo agresivnosti i način njenog ispoljavanja kod mladih, kao i
               glavni uzroci, pod kojima se smatraju uticaji društva i preterano igranje kompjuterskih igara. Metoda rada koja je
               primenjena  za  prikupljanje  podataka  je  sistematsko  neeksperimentalno  istraživanje.  Tehnika  je  anonimna  anketa
               sastavljena od 24 pitanja vezana za mišljenje učenika o nasilju i njihovom dosadašnjem iskustvu. Ispitanici su bili
               učenici trećeg razreda gimnazije i sedmog razreda osnovne škole, kako bi se uporedila njihova iskustva i stavovi.
               Pretpostavke na kojima je zasnovan ovaj rad su da se nivo nasilja razlikuje u odnosu na pol, uzrast, školski uspeh
               učenika, kao i u odnosu na to kako ispitanici provode slobodno vreme. Prva pretpostavka je da su učenici osnovne
               škole,  odnosno  mlađeg  uzrasta  više  podložni  nasilju,  da  su  češće  žrtve,  ali  i  sami  vrše  nasilje  nad  nekim.  Ova
               pretpostavka je zasnovana na tome kako oni provode svoje slobodno vreme, samim tim što više vremena provode na
               kompjuteru, oni su agresivniji u odnosu na učenike gimnazija. Druga pretpostavka je da će ispitanici muškog pola
               biti  češće  izloženi  fizičkom  nasilju  i  da  će  nekoga  fizički  povređivati,  a  oni  ženskog  pola  više  biti  podložni
               psihičkom nasilju. Konačno, treća pretpostavka je da su učenici sa većim školskim uspehom manje nasilni nego oni
               koji lošije uče. Rezultati su pokazali da učenici osnovne škole mnogo više igraju igre i više vremena provode na
               komjuteru dok je to kod učenika srednjih škola retko. Uspeh u školi kod većine ispitanika je odličan ili vrlo dobar, ali
               bez obzira na to i u njuhovom okruženju je nasilničko ponašanje česta pojava. Nasilje u svom okruženju primećuju i
               jedni i drugi u velikoj meri, ali su skoro svi učenici gimnazije prisustvovali nekoj vrsti nasilja dok kod osnovaca to
               nije slučaj. Mlađe osobe su češće bile žrtve nasilja, a i sami su češće nasilnici. Zajedničko im je što su u velikom
               broju    svesni    koliko    je     agresija   prisutna   i     koliki   problem     predstavlja.
               KLJUČNE REČI: nasilje, učenici, kompjuterske igre, školski uspeh, agresivnost


                      The basic aim of this research is to determine level of aggression and  ways of its  manifestation among
               young  people,  as  well  as  main  causes  of  this,  by  which  we  consider  social  influence  and  excessive  playing  of
               computer games. The method of work which was applied for gathering information is systematic non-experimental
               study.  Technique  was  anonymous  questionnaire  assembled  from  24  questions  related  to  students  opinion  about
               violence  and  their  previous  experience.  Respondents  were  students  of  third  year  high  school  and  seventh  grade
               elementary school, in order to compare their experiences and attitudes towards this topic. Hypotheses on which this
               paper is based on are that level of violence is different in terms of gender, age, school achievement of students, but it
               also depends on how respondents spend their leisure time. First hypothesis is that students of elementary school,
               meaning  younger students, are more exposed to violence, they are  more often victims  and they commit violence
               against others. This assumption depends on how they spend their free time, since they spend more time on computers
               trey turn out to be more aggressive than older students. Other hypothesis is that male respondents would be more
               often exposed to physical violence and they would hurt someone physically, while female students are more likely to
               be subjects of psychological abuse. Finally third assumption is that students with higher achievement in school are
               less violent than the ones who do not study well. Results show that younger students play computer games much
               more  often  and  they  spend  more  time  on  computer,  while  that  is  rare  among  high  school  students.  School
               achievement is excellent or very good with most of the respondents, but despite that fact violent behavior is very
               much present in their environment. Both high school and elementary school students notes violence often, but while
               almost everyone of high school students have witnessed some kind of violence that is not the case among elementary
               school students. Based on the results, younger adolescents were more often victims and also the ones who commit
               violence. What they have in common is that most of them is aware of presence of aggression and what large problem
               it is.

               KEY WORDS: violence, students, computer games, school achievement, aggression
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