Page 410 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 410

                                                 DISTANCOM MLADIH

                                              DISTANCE OF THE YOUNG

               Autor: Dunja Karanovid, učenica I godine Filološke gimnazije, Regionalni centar za talente, Beograd II

               Mentor: Sonja Milojevid, student IV godine Filozofskog fakulteta, Beograd


               Cilj  ovog  rada  je  bio  je  da  se  proveri  da  li  je  autoritarna  ličnost  zaista  jedini  psihološki  preduslov  za
               formiranje profašističkih stavova kod mladih osoba. Ispitano je u kojoj meri sklonost konformiranju može
               uticati i kolika je korelacija između ta dva faktora.

               U ispitivanju je učestvovalo 99 učenika III i IV godine Filološke gimnazije i Elektrotehničke škole ’’Nikola
               Tesla’’ u Beogradu. Skalama Likertovog tipa ispitane su sklonost konformiranju i autoritarnost učenika.
               Primenjena je Bogardusova skala socijalne distance kako bi se utvrdili stavovi prema različitim socijalnim

               Pretpostavka  autora  bila  je  da  de  ispitanici  koji  izraze  negativne  stavove  prema  određenim  grupama
               postidi  visoke  rezultate  i  na  jednom  od  preostala  dva  testa.  Drugim  rečima,  učenici  sa  izraženom
               socijalnom  distancom  bi  morali  imati  ili  ličnost  podložnu  takvim  stavovima  (autoritarnu  ličnost),  ili
               izraženu sklonost konformiranju, pa stoga i usvojene ili mainfestovane stavove grupe kojoj pripadaju.

               Rezultati  istraživanja  pokazuju  da  su  i  autoritarnost  i  sklonost  konformiranju  povezane  sa  socijalnom
               distancom, ali nisu dovoljni uslovi da se ona i predvidi.

               Ključne reči: autoritarna ličnost, sklonost konformiranju, socijalna distanca, profašistička orijentacija


               The  aim  of  this  study  was  to  examine  if  the  authoritarian  personality  was  the  only  psychological
               precondition for the formation of pro-fascist attitudes of young people. It was explored in what degree
               conformity could have an effect on it, and what the correlation between the two factors was.

               One  hundred  of  third  and  fourth-grade  students  of  the  Belgrade  Philological  Gymnasy  and
               Electrotechnical High school “Nikola Tesla” were included in the study. The tendency of students toward
               conformity and the level of authoritarianism were measured by two Likert-type scales. The Bogardus
               scale was used to establish attitudes toward different social groups.

               The author’s assumption was that the participants who express negative attitudes toward certain groups
               will  have  high  results  on  one  of  the  two  remaining  instruments.  In  other  words,  the  students  with
               noticeable  pro-fascist  attitudes  should  either  have  a  personality  inclinable  to  such  attitudes
               (authoritarian personality), or a clear affinity toward conformity, and therefore attitudes that are copied
               or imposed.
               Results show that even though both authoritarianism and conformity are related to the social distance,
               they have no power to predict it.

               Key words: authoritharian personality, conformism, social distance, pro-fascist orientation
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