Page 70 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 70


               TARA ĐUROVID- 2. razred Gimnazije u Lazarevcu, Centar za talente Beograd II

               Mentori:  GORAN JEREMID  - profesor biologije Gimnazije u Lazarevcu ( prirodno-matematički fakultet )

               MARIJA GALJAK - professor hemije Gimnazije u Lazarevcu ( prirodno-matematički fakultet )


               Izradi  rada  sam  pristupila  sa  ciljem  da  utvrdim  štetnost  uvoznih  igračaka  kojima  se  deca  svakodnevno  igraju  i
               saznam procenat ljudi koji su informisani o njihovom delovanju. Koristila sam podatke iz literature i sa mnogih Web
               stranica - koje se bave preporukama o nezi i ishrani dece, savetima za potrosače i sajtovima koji imaju veze sa
               hemijom i biohemijom, a takodje sam uradila jednu anketu da bih utvrdila stepen upoznatosti sa problematikom
               kojom se bavim u ovom radu. Saznala sam sledede:

               Supstance ftalat DBP, ftalat DINP, ftalat DEHP, fenol, formalin, barijum, hrom, olovo i druge, nalaze se u količinama
               koje su više od dozvoljenih. Ove supstance uzrokuju mnoge neželjene efekte, a pogotovu kod dece za koju su i
               pravljene.Neki  toksini  mogu  štetno  delovati  na  bubrege  i  jetru,  delovati  na  centralni  nervni  sistem,  usporiti
               biohemijske procese nadražiti kožu i sluzokožu, a neki ne samo da mogu nadražiti oči, ved mogu napraviti ozbiljne
               povrede. Kod trovanja olovom može dodi do trajnog usporavanja srčanog rada ili smanjenja eritrocita - anemije.
               Ima onih supstanci koje remete rad hormona  - smanjuju stvaranje testosterona kod novorođenih dečaka, mogu
               izazvati  feminizaciju  istih,  uzrokovati  kancer  testisa,  a  kod  oba  pola  mogu  uticati  na  formiranje  polnih  organa.
               Takođe, utiču na delovanje insulina, te smanjuju absorpciju glukoze. Anketa je pokazala da 80% ljudi zna za zabranu
               ovih igračaka. Od njih, 48% zna zašto su igračke zabranjene.

               Ključne reči: uvozne igračke, olovo, ftalat DEHP, biohemijski procesi, absorpcija glukoze, 80% ljudi.


               To the production of this work I approached with the aim to establish the damage of imported toys which the
               children play with everyday and to find out the percent of people who are informed about their influence.I had
               used the information from literature and from many  web-sites- who go in for recommendations about care and
               nutrition of children, advices for consumers and sites who have the connection with chemistry and biochemistry.
               Also I conducted poll to define a level of inform with problems that I engage in this work.

               I find out the following:

               Substances phthalate DBP, phthalate DINP, phthalate DEHP, phenol, formalin, barium, chromium, lead and others
               are in the quantity which are higher than allowed ones. This substances cause many unwanted effects, especially
               on the children, for who they are made. Some toxins can damage their kidney and liver, affect on central nerve
               system, slow biochemical processes, irritate skin, mucous membrane, some don’t just irritate eyes, they can make
               serious  damages.  In  poisoning  with  lead  it  can  come  to  permanent  decelerate  of  hurt  beating  or  reduce  of
               erythrocytes-  anemia.  There  are  some  substances  which  disturb  work  of  hormones-  they  reduce  making
               testosterones in newborn boys, they can cause feminization of them, cause cancer of testis, and on both sex they
               can influence on formation of sexual organs. They can affect on work of insulin, they reduce the absorption of
               glucose. Poll had showed that 80% people knows about prohibition of this toys. From them, 48% knows why they
               are prohibited.

               Key words: imported toys, lead, phthalate DEHP, biochemical processes, absorption of glucose, 80% people.
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