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Competitive strategy- Game theory

                                                    Uroš Jakovljević
                               Regional centre for talented youth II, Serbiа,

          1    Introduction

          In  everyday  life  we  often  have  to  decide  between  two
          things.  We  are  players  of  one  great  game,  and  we  aren’t
          aware of  it. We  wanted to  understand our life better, and
          events, and we wanted to know what will happen if we buy
          pizza, and what when we buy roll in bakery, we wrote this
          research.  This  section  of  math  shows  reality,  real
          oppotunities, аnd real profits.

          2    Мethods
                                                                         Picture 2 – Basic matrix of the game

                                                               Here we have situations depending of the prices which coul
                                                               players choose. These are real profits of this game. 6.0/ 6.0
                                                               means that left price is for bakery Rim, and right for bakery
                                                               Suzana. Profits are in thousands of dinar valute. This is also
                                                               applied for everything in matrix.
                                                               But precisely that player's strategy is often deadly for their
                                                               together profit.
                                                               Prisoner's  dillema  means  that  in  the  game  exsits  situation
                                                               where  both  player  get  bigger  profit,  but  individually
                                                               looking, neither of them don't  want to play that  move. In
                                                               our work we answered why is this most common situation
                           Picture 1- bakery                   in life.

          We  are  using  many  examples  and  illustrations  in  our
          academic work so we could explain basics of this theory. In   4   Conclusion
          that  examples  we  are  observers,  we  follow  their  rational
          decisions,  and  eventually  we  criticize  them.  We  follow   This research that is generally about competitive strategy of
          competitive  situations  in  form  of  the  game.  First  we  will   two  bakeries,  we  learned  why  there  is  need  to  consider
          start with two bakeries. That would be simultaneous game   strategies of other players when we want to have our own
          (where both players make moves at the same time) and we   decision, because we aren't in vacuum, and our actions will
          will  see  their  actions  in  matrix  so  we  could  try  to  find   trigger  reactions  of  other  players.  If  we  act  strategic  and
          optimal strategy.                                    smart we can predict those reactions, and that can be very
                                                               important when we aren't sure what decision is the best. In
                                                               this research we learned about simultaneous games, about
          3    Results                                         the  matrix  of  the  game.  We  know  how  to  find  dominant
                                                               strategy, and while we were analyzing the game we found
          Rational  player  always  choose  domminant  strategy.  We   Nash equilibrium and Prisoner's dillema. We saw that there
          conclude that our opponent will play rational too, so he will   is reason for cooperation, and that with cooperating we can
          use dominant strategy.  Research showed to us that there is    maximize our profits.
          situation where players usually don’t want to change their
          strategies, and that situation is named Nash equilibrium.
          Nash  equilibrium  is  concept  of  solutions  of  the  game,
          where  we  know  that  every  player  knows  strategy  of  his
          opponent  ,  and  neither  of  them  could  profit  by  changing   1. ,,Победа или пораз – Стратегије и Теорије игара''
          only  his  strategy.  That  solution  of  the  game  is  Nash   - Никола Милић и Лука Станојевић
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