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Bee colony optimization for Hamiltonian p-Median problem
Dejan Kovač, supervisor mr Nataša Kovač
Centre for talented youth II, Belgrade,
Table 1. columns show the values of the cost function after
1. Introduction the run of the basic algorithm, algorithm with Improvement
I, and algorithm with both Improvement I and Improvement
This research presents a new algorithm based on II, as well as the processor time needed for obtaining the
metaheuristic algorithm with bee colony optimization, solutions. The basic algorithm was tested, and the values of
whose aim is the formation of suboptimal solutions for the cost function together with the processor time needed
Hamiltonian p-median problem. The proposed algorithm were given. After that, the basic algorithm is enriched with
has a goal to allocate the set of n vertices given in Euclidian Improvement I, which eliminates the self-intersection of
plane within k disjoint circuits in shortest processor time. Hamiltonian cycles, which leads to improvement in quality
The subsets of vertices are than used in formation of of complete solutions but increases the CPU time
Hamiltonian cycles, in such way that the cost function, insignificantly. In the end, the same set of test examples is
which in this research represents the total length of all tested on an algorithm which represents an integration of
Hamiltonian cycles, is minimized. After the implementation the basic algorithm together with the two improvements,
of basic bee colony optimization algorithm, the two where, besides the elimination of the self-intersections, the
improvement techniques are applied on the formed Improvement II is used to eliminate the intersection
complete solutions obtained by the basic algorithm. between two or more cycles.
2. Methods 4. Conclusion
During the research, a literature in which are described a Based on the preliminary solutions, it can be concluded that
mathematical formulation of Hamiltonian p-median the algorithm gives good results in generating and
problem and a detailed description of bee colony improving solutions for Hamiltonian p-median problem.
optimization algorithm was used. Algorithm and the Based on the experimental results, the proposed
formulation of the problem were coded in Wolfram implementation of the algorithm can be successfully used in
Mathematica v8.0 programming language. During the obtaining good-quality complete suboptimal solutions of
literature overview, it couldn’t be established that the other Hamiltonian p-median problem. The processor time values
authors approached this problem in a proposed way, so this are very low, and the quality of generated solutions allow
research represents a contribution in this field of research. them to be used as starting results for exact methods for
solving Hamiltonian p-median problem. Also, it is showed
that it is efficient to develop techniques for improving
3. Results complete solutions generated by bee colony optimization,
where it is necessary to develop efficient techniques who
Algorithm was tested on an example proposed in scientific will improve the solutions in minimal CPU time. In these
literature, and later on the artificially generated test test examples, the suggested techniques gave an
examples. All the tests are performed on a computer with improvement of suboptimal solutions with insignificant
the processor Pentium 4 3.00-GHz CPU with 512 MB increase in CPU time.
RAM under Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version
2002 Service Pack 2 operating system. In the first test
example, which was proposed by the authors in [4], the References
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Table 1. Numerical results 383-390