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The trench of Loznica in The First Serbian uprising
                                                      Mijailović Goran
                                                Jovana Popovića 18, Loznica

                   INTRODUCTION                                   water for the soldiers. The ability of The
                   Today  The  trench  of  Lozinca  is  one  of   trench was around 2000 soldiers. There
                   the  most  conserved  historical  localities   aren’t informations indicating that there
                   from  The  First  Serbian  uprising.  It  was   were more soldiers while blockades.
                   built in spring and summer in 1807. and
                   it was a part of the earthen fortification     CONCLUSION
                   system  along  the  river  Drina  which        The  trench  of  Loznica  is  the  largest
                   protected  Serbia  on  the  west.  The         structure  conserved  from  the  period  of
                   trenches of Tara, Kremna, Bajina Bašta,        The  First    Serbian  uprising.  The
                   Vrhpolje,  Ljubovija,  Lonjin,  Prosklop,      measurements of the trench, its ability of
                   Rožan,  Uzovnica,  Loznica,  Lešnica,          soldiers and its leaders (Anta Bogićević,
                   Novo  Selo,  Crna  Bara  and  Zasavica         Petar   Moler,    Karađorđe)     passed
                   were the first defence from the Ottoman        judgement  for  the  Serbian  rebels  to
                   Turks.                                         defeat  the  superior  Ottoman  army
                                                                  commanded  by  Ibrahim-pasha  in  1810.
                   METHOD OF OPERATION                            This trench pointed out the significance
                   For this research I used different kind of     of  the  western  region  of  war  for  the
                   literature  which  I  have  found  in  The     ultimate success in The uprising.
                   Library of Vukov Zavičaj, and the notes
                   I  took  while  interviewing  historican       LITERATURE
                   Goran  Vilić,  autor  of  the  presentation    1.  Jadar  u  prošlosti,  knjiga  I,  grupa
                   „The  battle  of  Loznica“  which  was         autora, Loznica, 1985.
                   created in 2010. to mark 200 years of the      2. Ustanički šančevi na Drini 1804-1813,
                   battle.  After  I  got  through  the  material,   Miloje Ž. Nikolić, Kruševac, 1998.
                   I’ve got all needed informations.

                   The  trench  of  Loznica  represented  a
                   fortification of significant measurements
                   120  x  105  meters  with  two  defensive
                   walls height 3 – 7 meters and total height
                   around  12  meters.  The  width  of  the
                   defensive  walls  was  around  10  meters.
                   The  trench  domineered  the  spase  from
                   the  river  Drina  to  the  rivulet  Štira
                   (Lozničko polje, Tičarsko polje).  In the
                   structure  of  The  trench  were:  a
                   warehouse for artillery and food, cannon
                   ditch, rooms for the army, a church and a
                   log  cabin.  Also  The  trench  had  a  few
                   gates and a secret tunnel connected with
                   the  rivulet  Štira,  which  provided  celan
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