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Detection of vitamin D receptor rs2228570 gene variant in patients with systemic

                                 Olgica Maksimović - Regional centre for talents Belgrade II


                                                                 Detection of polymorphism on exon 2 VDR gene was carried
          Systemic sclerosis is a chronic disease that is described by the
          damage of small blood vessels of the skin (1). Vitamin D has   out by PCR-RFLP method. Enzyme FokI recognises GGATG
                                                                 sequence specifically. Expected product length of digest
          an important role in the immune system in which it binds to   reaction for the allele F is 266 bp; 193 bp and 73 bp for allele
          his receptor VDR (vitamin D receptor) (2,3) therefore taking   f and finally 266 bp, 193 bp, 73 bp for heterozygous
          part in immunoregulation. The gene variant T>C in SNP   combination of alleles Ff for the SNP. Products of restriction
          rs2228570 of the VDR gene (FokI polymorphism) imfluences   digest reaction were represented by agarose gel
          the structure of the VDR protein and it is important in its   electrophoresis 2% concentration as well as PCR product not
          activity.                                              sliced by restriction enzymes and DNA marker with the
                                                                 lenght of 100 bp. (Picture 2).
          Materials and Methods
          Ten patients diagnosed with systemic sclerosis were included
          in the research. PCR-RFLP method was used for the detection   PCR-RFLP method was applied for the detection of gene
          of FokI polymorphism. DNA samples were multiplied by   variant T>C within SNP rs2228570 gene for VDR. The given
                                                                 results show that this method can be used for the analysis of
          PCR. Afterwards, the samples were treated with FokI    said gene variant. All three variants (FF, Ff and ff) were
          restriction enzyme. Depending on the accessibility of the   found in the sample of 10 subjects. By examining the whole
          restriction sites, it will create DNA fragments with different   group of subjects and cross referencing the given data with
          lengths. The products of the restriction digest reaction were   the control group of healthy subjects we can determine if this
          analyzed using agarose gel electrophoresis.            gene variant is linked with the occurrence of systemic
                                                                 sclerosis in the population.
          Results and discussion

                                                                    1.   Clements P.J. Furst D.E Sysytemic sclerosis,
                                                                       Baltimore, Wiliams and Wilkins 1996.
                                                                    2.  Expression of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D 3  Receptors
                                                                       in Normal and Psoriatic Skin. Journal of Investigative
          Picture  1.  Crosscheck  of  PCR  amplification  by  electrophoresis
          on  2%  agarose  gel.  Electrophoretogram  of  PCR  products  of  10   Dermatology (1991) 97, 230–239; doi:10.1111/1523-
          subjects  and  its  expected  length  of  266  bp.  Position  of  1-DNA   1747.ep12480255
          marker  length  of  100bp.  Position  2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11-PCR    3.  Mounting Evidence for Vitamin D as an
          products                                                     Environmental Factor Affecting Autoimmune
                                                                       Disease Prevalence mpact Factor:2.226
                                                                       | Ranking:Medicine, Research & Experimental 61 out
                                                                       of 122 | 5-Year Impact Factor:3.023 | 5-Year
                                                                       Ranking:Medicine, Research & Experimental 40 out
                                                                       of 122

          Picture 2. Electrophoretogram of PCR-RFLP analysis of SNP
          rs2228570 gene VDR. Position of 1-DNA marker with 100 bp.
          Position 2, 4, 5, 7, 10 – samples with genotype Ff; 3, 8, 9 – samples
          with FF genotype; 6-sample with ff genotype; 11-PCR product not
          treated by restriction enzyme.
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