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Тhe conversion of waste cooking oil to degradable polymer
                                           polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)
                                                     Mihajlo Stošić

                            Regional Center for talented youth Beograd II,
          1.     Introduciton
                                                               In  the  second  part  of  the  work  we  wanted  to  establish
                                                               whether  the  isolated  microorganism  has  the  ability  to
          Nowadays, the materials and products with non-existent or   accumulate PHA.  As a positive control,  we used   species
          not fully developed recycling process from which we could
          obtain products that could be used again, present a  major   Ralstonia  eutropha  H16,  which  in  its  genome  shows  the
                                                               presence  of  lipase,  and  also  has  the  ability  of  PHA
          There are several methods of waste edible oils processing   accumulation [3].
                                                               Ralstonia  eutropha  H16  had  the  ability  to  grow  on  both
          such as production of biodiesel [1], or, as a more advanced
          method, its use for the synthesis of bacterial biopolymers -   concentrations  of  oil  from  the  fryer,  while  the  amount  of
                                                               accumulated PHA was 10 and 12% of the total cell mass.
          polyhydroxyalkanoates  (PHA)  [2].  Polyhydroxyalkanoates
          (PHA)  are  linear  polymers  composed  of  (R)  -3-hydroxy   Unexpectedly, increasing the amount of oil, did not result in
                                                               a  proportionate  increase  in  the  quantity  of  accumulated
          fatty acids, formed by fermentation of sugars or lipids, and
          are stored inside the bacterial cells.               PHA.  Compared  with  some  carbohydrates  as  a  source  of
                                                               carbon, oil from the fryer is a significantly poorer substrate
          The aim of this paper is to determine whether in the used
          oil from fryers there are microorganisms that can synthesize   for the production of PHA. Namely, Ralstonia eutropha can
                                                               accumulate up to 80% PHA from fructose.
          polyhydroxyalkanoates  from  waste  oil,  and  what  is  the
          minimum  amount  of  waste  oil  needed  to  produce  PHAs
          with the known strains, which, with further purification and
          processing, could be used in the production of bioplastics.

          2.     Work methods

                                                                   Figure 1. Samples of bacteria grown on solid MSM
          In  this  paper,  we  used  oil  from  the  fryer  as  a  source  of
          nutrients for microorganisms. We used Ralstonia eutropha                 substrates
          H16 from commercial strains. Microorganisms were grown
          in  LA  and  MSM  substrates  under  standard  laboratory
          conditions for a period of 5 days. Identifying the unknown
          bacteria strain was carried out by 16S rDNA sequencing in
          Biosystems  3130  Genetic  Analyzer.  The  amount  of
          polyhydroxyalkanoates  was  determined  by  using  gas
                                                                 Figure 2. A) The amount of the accumulated PHA B) A
          3.     Research results                               typical gas chromatogram which indicates the presence of
                                                                          PHA and fatty acids in the sample.
          In the first part of this paper, we tried to determine whether   4.   Conclusion
          the  waste  edible  oil  from  fryers  contains  microorganisms
          that can grow on this substrate as the sole carbon source,   This study suggests that in the oil from the fryer there are
          and  whether  these  microorganisms  can  accumulate   bacteria  that  are  able  to  use  it  as  a  source  of  carbon,  but
          bioplastic, i.e. polyhydroxyalkanoate.               without  the  possibility  of  accumulation  of  polyhydroxy-
          By  direct  application  of  oil  on  the  solid  supports,  we   alkanoates,  and  can  serve  as  a  substrate  for  PHA
          obtained the growth of one type of micro-organisms, which   accumulation for commercial strains, and that it can serve
          was subcultured on MSM substrate which contained Tween   as a substrate for PHA accumulation, but it is necessary to
          80,  or  glucose  as  a  carbon  source.  The  isolated   further optimize the bioprocess, so that it could be applied
          microorganism  had  the  ability  to  grow  on  both  types  of   on a larger scale.
          carbon,  but  had  no  ability  of  polyhydroxyalkanoate
          accumulation. (Figure 1).                            5.      Bibliography
          The  isolated  microorganism  was  identified  by  molecular
          biological methods, ie. by sequencing genes for 16S rDNA.   [1]  Vera,  C.R.;  S.A.  D'Ippolito,  C.L.  Pieck,  J.M.Parera
          Analyses have shown that the first strain is 98% identical to   (2005-08-14).  "Production  of  biodiesel  by  a  two-step
          Stenotrophomonas  maltophilia,  and  the  second  strain  is   supercritical reaction process with adsorption refining"
          97% identical to Pseudomonas geniculata.             [2] Jacquel, N.; et al. (2008). "Isolation and purification of
                                                               bacterial poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates)". Biochem. Eng. J.
                                                               [3] Gregory M. York; et al. (2003) Ralstonia eutropha H16
                                                               Encodes Two and Possibly Three Intracellular Poly[D-(R)-
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