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          Desorption of  Cs from Brachythecium mildeanum moss using solutions that imitate
                                               acid rain pH 4.60-6.50

                                                     Danica Anđelić
                            Regional Center for talented youth Belgrade II, Serbia,

                                                                compared  to  the  percentage  contained  in  the  original
          INTRODUCTION                                          sample  (Figure  1).  After  five  consecutive  desorption
                                                                processes,  20.5  to  37.6%   137 Cs  was  desorbed  from  moss
                                                                using  acidic  solutions,  and    30.7%  of  the  initial  value,
          During the Chernobyl accident (26th April, 1986, Ukraine)   using  distilled  water.  During  the  first  desorption,  the
          3.7x10  Bq   137 Cs was released, with a  physical half-life   highest percentage of  137 Cs was desorbed (11.3% -18.4%)
          of 30.17 years.  The Cs ion is a chemical and biochemical   compared to the initial value.
          homologue  of  potassium,  following  its  metabolism  in  an
          organism. It is present in nuclear reactor fuels, from where   105
          it  is  emitted  into  the  atmosphere.  Mosses  are  good  bio-  100               H SO , pH 4,60
          indicators  that  can  be  used  to  collect  information  about                    H SO , pH 5,15
          pollution trends of air and the environment, as they cannot   95                    H SO , pH 5,75
          excrete  absorbed  materials,  but  accumulate  them  in  their   90
          tissue  or  on  the  surface,  in  amounts  depending  on  their   85
          adaptability  to  chemical  changes  in  the  environment.   80
          Mosses  are  exposed  to  the  atmospheric  influence  in  the   Sadrzaj  137 Cs (%)  75
          form of moist and dry fallouts. Acid rain is formed by SO 2 ,
          as well as NO 2 ,  which are products of H 2 SO 2  and HNO 3    70
          after the oxidation process during the atmospheric transfer.   65
          The  aim  of  this  study  is  to  determine  whether  acid  rain   60
          performs desorption of   137 Cs  from the  moss and  whether   0  1      2      3     4      5
          the moss acts as a secondary environmental pollutant with           Broj sukcesivne desorpcije, n
          this radionuclide.                                                                      x
                                                                Figure  1.  The  content  of   137 Cs  in  B.  mildeanum  moss  in
          Materials and methods                                 relation  to  the  initial  content,  depending  on  the  ordinal
                                                                number of desorption
          Samples  of  moss  B.  mildeanum  (Schimp.)  Schimp  were
          collected at Djerdap National Park in 2006. Mechanically   Conclusion
          pulverized samples were weighed on an analytical balance
          in  a  quantity  of  10  grams.  They  were  placed  in  plastic   Based  on  the  results  obtained  in  this  study,  we  can
          measurement dishes and the level of  137 Cs was measured.   conclude  that  acid  rain,  by  action  of  H   ions  leads  to
          After the  measuring activity, 10g of dry weight of moss   increased  pollution  of  rain  water  with  other  ionic
          was basted with 200 mL of simulated acid rain: I- H 2 SO 4 ;   substances which may not be present in the water prior to
          II and III HNO 3  H 2 SO 4 -HNO 3  and distilled water (D) 6.50,   its  contact  with  plants,  and  thus  lead  to  the  spread  of
          and then left for 24 hours, for the purpose of equilibrium.   contamination. The test system has shown replacement of
          The solutions I and II were formed by adding concentrated   acid rain H  ions  with  much  more dangerous radioactive
          H 2 SO 4   or  HNO 3   into  200  mL  of  distilled  water,  while   137 Cs. Ions. After five desorptions,  137 Cs was embedded in
          maintaining the pH value of 4.61; 5.15 and 5.75. Solution   the  moss  tissue  and  it  was  impossible  to  desorb  it.   The
          III was prepared by mixing solutions I and II in a ratio of   obtained conclusions can be applied to other alkali metals.
          1:1. The  desorption  was  carried  out  at  room  temperature
          for  24  hours,  with  occasional  stirring.  After  each
          desorption  and  filtration  the  moss  samples  were  dried  at   Reference
          room temperature in an open flask, to a constant weight.
          Upon the desorption, the activity of samples and obtained
          solutions  was  measured. Further, using 200  mL  solution,     Xavkes  N.,  Lean  G.,  Leigh  D.,  McKie  R.,  Pringle  P.,  Wilson  A.,
                                                                Najgora  nesreća  na  svijetu,  Černobil:  kraj  nuklearnog  sna,  Globus,
          the  next  successive  desorption  was carried out, repeating   Zagreb, (1987).
          the  filtration  and  the  drying  process.  Five  successive   2  Čučulović,  A.,  Čučulović,  R.,  Cvetić  Antić,  T.  and  D.  Veselinović
          desorption processes were carried out and  all series were   (2011). Mosses as biomonitors for radioactivity following the Chernobyl
          repeated twice. Gamma spectrometric method was used to   accident. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 63(4), 1117-1125.
          determine the level of activity in  moss samples. Specific   3  A.  Čučulović,  D.  Veselinović,  Desorpcija  137Cs  iz  mahovine
                                                                Homalothecium sericeum (Hedw.) Schim. slabo kiselim rastvorima, Hem.
          activity of (Bq/kg) samples was calculated.           Ind., 2013, 67(6), 975-980.

          Research results

          The  content  of   137 Cs  in  each  sample  is  shown  as  the
          percentage of cesium remaining after the desorption,
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