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Production of lactic acid from stillage in production of bioethanol

                                                       Olga Pantić

                               Regional center for talented youth Belgrade II,
                                                               higher than the yield obtained with the triticale stillage.(2,3)
                                                                  Figure 1.     (A)                                          (B)

          Lactic acid is a very significant compound used as an acidifier, a
          conservanse,  an  antimicrobial  substance,  or  a  monomer  during
          production  of  polilactates  for  the  food,  pharmaceutical  and
          cosmetic industry. Because of its traits  for the last  two decades
          there  is  a  growing  need  for  lactic  acid  and  its  derivates.
          Nowadays,  natural  renewable  and  waste  compounds  from
          agricultural industry are investigated as sources for production of
          lactic  acid  in  labortaory  conditions,  which  contributes  to  the
          solution of factory waste problem, as well as reduction of CO 2  in
          the  atmosphere.  Stillage  as  a  waste  product  of  bioethanol
          production  is  a  cheap  raw  material,  rich  in  protein  and  organic
          matter that is suitable for growth and development of lactic acid
          bacteria and fermentation. The aim of this study was to investigate
          the usage of waste stillage as a substrate for bacterial growth and
          the production of lactic acid, and its productivity without the pH
          value control.
                                                               Figure 1. The number of formed colonies (A) and the change of
                                                               sugar concentration (B) during 48h.
          Study methods                                        (I – initial value, O - outermost value)

          Lactic  acid  fermentation  was  executed  using  Lactobacillus
          rhamnosus  ATCC 7469 stock in a batch process with 100ml  of   A  large  number  of  formed  bacterial  colonies  in  fermentation
          axenic  stillage  for  the  production  of  bioethanol  on  waste  bread   medium and a high yield coefficient of 0,93g/g indicate that this
          (Reahem  d.o.o.,  Srvovran  Serbia)  with  an  addition  of  axenic   waste stillage is suitable for production of lactic acid. The leftover
          50%(w/v)  solution  of  glucose.  The  stock  was  cultivated  on   stillage can be returned in the process or used as livestock food,
          nutritious MRS Agar at 37°C, microaerophilically, without the pH   because  L.  rhamnosus  ATCC  7469  is  a  probiotic  stock.  Liquid
          value  control.  Bacterial  growth  was  followed  using  a  series  of   stillage,  as  one  of  the  newest  raw  material  for  producing  lactic
          delutions in 0.9% NaCl. The concentration of reducing sugars in   acid,  is  giving  promising  results  and  additional  tests  will  be
          the  waste  stillage  and  fermentation  medium  was  determined   required for characterizing fermentation and targeted yield.
          spectrofotometrically  at  505nm,  after  centrifugation  (12000
          rot/min, 15 min), with 3.5.-dinitrosalicylic acid as a substrate (1).
          The measurement included initial sugars in the waste stillage and   Literature
          sugars  that  the  bacteria  were  using  as  food  in  the  fermentation
          medium. The amount of produced lactic acid was measured with   (1)  -  Miller  G.L.,  1959.  Use  of  dinitrosalycilic  acid  for
          acid-base titration with 0.1M NaOH, and 1% phenolphthalein was   determining reducing sugars. Anal. Chem. 31, 426–428.
          used as an indicator.                                 (2) - L. Mojović, M. Vukašinović Sekulić, A. Đukić, Production
                                                               of lactic acid on liquid distillery  stillage,  Journal on processing
                                                               and energy in agriculture (former PTEP), (2011) 15(1)1-5.
          Results and discussion                               (3)  - M. Marković, S. Markov, O. Grujić, L. Mojović, (2014) The
                                                               applicability of triticale for bioethanol and lactic acid fermentation
                                                               as  the  part  of  a  sustainable  development,  Biochemical
          In  this  study  18,9  g/L  of  lactic  acid  was  generated.  Without  an   Engineering Journal, 85, 132-8
          addition  of  a  source  of  nitrogen  or  mineral,  a  productivity  of
          0,388g/Lh  was  accomplished.  At  the  end  of  fermentation  there
          were 4,12×109 CFU/mL. The  stillage as a fermentation medium
          doesn't contain enough sugar, therefore an addition of glucose was
          needed, but it is rich in protein which makes more than 50% of
          dry matter and is suitable for microorganism growth. The waste
          stillage  doesn't  have  any  metals  which  would  interfere  with  the
          process of fermentation. The yield obtained in this study was very
          similar  to  the  yield  obtained  with  the  use  of  corn  stillage,  and
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