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Phytotaxonomic Markers of Propolis: Isolation and Structure Assessment

                                                       Sanja Savić

                                   Talent Center Belgrade II, Belgrade
                                   Mentor: Dr Miroslav Novaković, ITHM, Belgrade University


          Propolis is a dense, resinous mixture that honey bees collect
          from  tree  buds  and  burgeons  and  process  using  salivary
          glands secretion. Propolis is derived from the Greek words
          “pro,” meaning “in defense of” and “polis,” meaning “city.”
          Together, the meaning, “in defense of the city,” refers to the
          defense of the bee hive. The main use of propolis by bees is
          to  protect  their  hive  from  wind,  moisture  and  outside
          invaders. Propolis is also used for covering of the outside
          walls  of  the  combs  due  to  its  disinfectant  properties.
          Propolis consists of various  constituents, primarily phenols
          (58%)  and  waxes  (32%),  as  well  as  flavonoids  (6%)  and
          Cinnamic  acids  and  their  derivates  occur  frequently  in
          several  natural  products,  including  propolis.  They  have   Figure 1. А – p-coumaric acid; B – 1,3-di-p-
          been  reported  to  have  many  biological  activities,  e.g.       coumaroyl-2-acetylglycerol
          antioxidant  and antimicrobial. Some derivates of cinnamic
          acids like glycerol esters can be used as taxonomic markers,
          and have a major role in determining the botanical origin of   4.Conclusion
          2.Methods                                            Cinnamic  acids  derivatives,  apart  from  being  biologically
                                                               active   natural   products,   represent   important
                                                               phytotaxonomic  markers.  Based  on  literature  data  it  was
                                                               concluded that propolis analyzed in this research originate
          The  techniques  used  to  isolate  compounds  from  propolis   from Populus tremula – aspen, since 1,3-di-p-coumaroyl-2-
          are  column  (CC)  and  semi-preparative  high-performance   acetylglycerol  shown  above  (figure  1B)  is  one  of  the
          liquid  chromatography  (HPLC),  while  the  process  of   phytotaxonomic markers for this plant species.
          elution  was  monitored  using  thin-layer  chromatography
          (TLC). In the column-chromatography silica gel served as
          stationary  phase,  while  the  combination  of  methylene-  5. References
          chloride  and  methanol  was  used  as  eluent.  The  elution
          process  was  gradient,  and  the  fractions  obtained  were
          combined on the basis of TLC, and further separated into   [1]  FAO/WHO  Expert  Committee  on  Food  Additives.
          pure   substances   using   semi-preparative   liquid   Meeting  Evaluation  of  certain  veterinary  drug  residues  in
          chromatography. Separation was performed on a reversed-  food  (2008).  70th  report  of  the  Joint  FAO/WHO  Expert
          phase  C18  column,  with  solvent  system  0.1%  formic   Committee  on  Food  Additives.  (WHO  technical  report
          acid/acetonitrile, using gradient program. Pure compounds   series; no. 954)
          were  identified  using  NMR  spectroscopy  and  MS
          spectrometry.                                        [2]  R.  Kannan,  R.  Arumugam,  T.  Thangaradjou,  P.
                                                               Anantharaman.  Phytochemical  constituents,  antioxidant
                                                               properties and p-coumaric acid analysis in some seagrasses,
          3. Results and discussion                            Parangipettai, India Food Research International (2013), 54,

          From  the  combined  fractions  obtained  after  semi-  [3] М. Popova, B. Trusheva, R. Khismatullin, N. Gavrilova,
          preparative HPLC cinnamic acid (from fractions BP23-30,   G.  Legotkina,  J.Lyapunov,  V.  Bankova.  The  Triple
          figure 1A), and its glycerol derivate (from fraction BP3-5,   Botanical  Origin  of  Russian  Propolis  from  the  Perm
          figure 1B) were isolated. Their structures were determined   Region,  Its  Phenolic  Content  and  Antimicrobial  Activity.
          using  C  and H  NMR  spectra,  and  confirmed    by  MS   Natural Product Comunications (2013), 8 (5), 617 - 620.
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