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                                                     VUK RADNIĆ
                                                      BANJALUČKA 3

          INTRODUCTION                                          F  Lycaeni                       Papiloni  Pieri
                                                                a               Nymphalidae
                                                               m.    dae                           dae      dae
          With  more  than  165.000  species  in  the  range  of  127         Aglais    Apatura
          families, butterflies (order Lepidoptera) are among one of          urticae     ilia             Gone
          the largest order in class of insects (Insecta). They have 4   Lycaena   Apatura iris   Araschnia   pteryx
          wings covered with scales that give them color and mouth   hippoth  Argynnis   Argynnis            ni
          parts in the shape of proboscis. Their larvae – caterpillars –   oe   adippe   paphia   Iphiclides
          have cylindrical body and chewing  mouth parts, and they            Boloria   Brenthis   podalirius
          change into adult by complete metamorphosis.          S           Coenonymp   daphne             Pieris
                                                               P            ha arcania    epiphron         brassi
                                                               E            Hyponephel  Inachis io
                                                                             e lyacon
                                                               C   Lycaena   Limenitis   Melanargi
                                                                I             reducta   a galathea
                                                               E            Melanargia   Neptis            Pieris
                                                                              larissa    sappho            ergan
                                                                                       Nymphalis             e
                                                                            Nymphalis             Papilio
                                                                              antiopa   polychlor  machaon
          Picture 1. Melanargia galathea                           Phenagr                os
                                                                    is arion    Pyronia   Polygonia        Pieris
          The classification of daily and nocturnal butterflies doesn’t      Vanessa    c-album            rapae
          have  scientific  explanation,  but  as  a  rule,  daily  butterflies   atalanta
          have  antennae  with  expanded  ends,  vivid  colors  and  they   Table 2. Determined species of butterflies and their families
          fly during the day, while nocturnal butterflies are active at
          night and undistinguished colored.


          Butterflies were caught in the afternoon, during sunny and
          windless  day.  They  were  caught  with  the  entomological
          nets  during  their  flight,  feeding  or  resting.  Caught
          butterflies  were  killed  while  they  were  still  in  the  net  by
          pressing the thorax or they were transferred into the bottle   Diagram 3. Presence of species according to the families
          for  stunning  with  chloroform.  Then,  the  butterflies  were
          moved  into  the  envelopes  and  transferred  further.  In  the   CONCLUSION
          end, they were stuffed by pinning, for their determination.
          They were determined with keys to the level of species.   It is found and determined 30 species from 4 families. The
                                                               result of the research represents just a part of total wealth of
          RESULTS                                              butterflies’  fauna  in  the  region,  but  it  contributes  to
                                                               complete previous and gives the idea for further researches.
          The  fact  that  many  regions  of  Western  Serbia,  including
          Azbukovica,  are  insufficiently  examined  in  the  case  of   LITERATURE
          number  and  distribution  of  species  is  the  reason  for
          recording of butterflies.                            1.Grupa autora. 2007. Životinje . Beograd:Mladinska knjiga
          Butterflies were caught in the period of 1  to 10  June, on   2.Grupa autora. 2001. Velika enciklopedija životinja . Novi
          three  locations:  the  village  of  Vršić,  the  mountain  Nemić   Sad:Zmaj
          and Bobija. The most numerous butterflies are from genus   3.Krunić   M.   1985.   Zoologija   invertebrata   2   .
          Melanargia, at all three locations. Determined species and   Beograd:Naucna knjiga
          families are given in table 2. Graphical review of presence   4.O’Tul K. 2008. Enciklopedija insekata i paukova . Novi
          of species according to the families is given in diagram 3.   Sad:Zmaj
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