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                                                     MILOŠ ĐURIĆ

                                                      ZEMUNSKA 171

                                                               In figure 1 are presented these possibilities and outcomes in
          Concept of games is all around us. We can also ask ourself   all  four  cases.  Both  of  them  would  consider  every
          is our life one big game. Game is defined as activity that   possibility and it's outcome and compare them. This is how
          includes  interactions  between  two  of  more  players.  There   we  come  up  with  player  strategy.  When  players  consider
          are many different game theories which can help people to   other players strategies we come up with game theory.
          make  decisions  in  critical  situations.  People  often  ask   Example  of  simultaneously  played  game  is  „Rock,  paper,
          themselves  why  two  grocery  shops  are  one  next  to  the   scissors" and figure 2 shows possibilities and outcomes for
          other, or two book stores, or such objects, because it doesnt   playes.
          make sence. That is one example of usage of game theory
          in practice.
                                                                            Rock         Paper       Scissors
                                                               Rock         0 , 0        -1 , 1      1 , -1
          Games theory represents mathematical theory which solves
          situations in which two opposing sides are in conflict with
          their  goals.  Basic  presumption  is  that  all  players  are   Paper   1 , -1   0 , 0    -1 , 1
          inteligent and they want to acquire best possible score. The
          game can be defined by their participants, gain or loss, and
          also  tactics  and  strategies  by  which  every  player  is   Scissors   -1 ,-1   1 , -1   0 , 0
          characterized.  It  is  also  very  important  to  know  what
          strategy can get us better score, and may players cooperate   Figure 2.Example of simultaneously game
          in such situations during game. Games can be divisioned in
          groups that can help us to understand different strategies for
          different types of games. These groups are: game with all   CONCLUSION
          informations  about  game,  and  with  limited  informations
          about  game,  cooperative  and  noncooparative,  static  and
          dinamic and many other.                              We can conclude that games are complex, and every game
                                                               is  different.  There  are  various  strategies  we  can  use  in
                                                               different situations in life, and all of them can be described
                                                               mathematically.  These  theories  can  be  used  in  many
          RESULTS                                              different  fields  like  economy,  evolutionary  biology,
                                                               political  science,  international  relations,  politics  strategies
          The best way to explain one game is by example, like „The   etc.
          prisoner's  dilemma".This  theory  can  be  used  in  different
          situations in real life, and it has four different outcomes.
          Two criminals are arrested but nobody knows what prison   LITERATURE
          sentences  each  will  get.  There  are  no  evidence  for  their
          crime, but there are  evidence for some smaller violations.   [1]
          For both of them there are two possibilities:
          1. To confess main crime,                            matematika/AleksandraRadanovic.pdf
          2. To refuse confession.                             [2]
                                   2. prisoner                 [3]
                                   Confess      Refuse
                      Confess      -5 , -5      0 , -10
         1. prisoner
                      Refuse       -10 , 0      -2 , -2
                      Figure 1.Prisoner's dilemma
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