Page 214 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 214



               Autor:  BOGDANA MANOJLOVIĆ Učenik III 4 razreda Gimnazije "Sveti Sava" Beogra Regionalni centar
               za talente Beograd II Mentor: Dr BILJANA DOJČINOVIĆ, viši naučni saradnik Institut za hemiju, tehnologiju i

               metalurgiju-Centar za hemiju, Beograd


                      Nikotin je alkaloid koji se nalazi u nekim biljkama, ali je njegov glavni izvor duvan, koji se
               koristi za proizvodnju cigareta. Nikotin je takođe sastavni deo nekih farmaceutskih proizvoda i
               shodno  tome,  pored  proizvodnje  cigareta,  lekovi  bazirani  na  nikotinu  su  još  jedan  izvor  ove
               supstance koja može da stigne u industrijske i komunalne otpadne vode. Osnovni cilj ovog rada

               je bio ispitivanje efikasnosti degradacije vodenog rastvora nikotina pomodu plazma reaktora koji
               radi na principu dielektričnog barijernog pražnjenja (DBD, Dielectric Barrier Discharge). Početne
               koncentracije nikotina u rastvorima su bile 50,0 i 300,0 mg/L. Vreme tretmana je bilo 60 min, a
               kinetika degradacije je pradena na svakih 10 min pomodu HPLC (HPLC, High Performance Liquid
               Chromatography)  analitičke  tehnike.  Tretman  rastvora  nikotina  je  izveden  direktnim,
               katalitičkim i indirektnim postupkom.

               Ključne reči: nikotin, degradacija, unapređeni oksidacioni procesi (AOP), plazma reaktor,

                                        dielektrično barijerno pražnjenje (DBD)


                      Nicotine is an alkaloid found in some plants, but its major source is tobacco, which is
               used  for  production  of  cigarettes.  Nicotine  is  also  a  constituent  of  some  pharmaceutical
               products  and,  therefore,  apart  from  the  production  of  cigarettes,  nicotine-based  drugs  are
               another source of this substance that can get to industrial and municipal wastewater. The main
               objective  of  this  study  was  to  investigate  the  degradation  effectiveness  of  nicotine  aqueous
               solution  by  plasma  reactor  that  works  on  the  principle  of  dielectric  barrier  discharge  (DBD,
               Dielectric  Barrier  Discharge).  The  initial  concentrations  of  nicotine  in  aqueous  solutions  were
               50.0 and 300.0 mg/L. Treatment time was 60 min, and the degradation kinetics was monitored
               every 10 min by HPLC analytical technique (HPLC, High Performance Liquid Chromatography).

               Treatment of nicotine solution was performed directly, catalyticly and indirectly.

               Key  words:  nicotine,  degradation,  Advanced  Oxidation  Process  (AOP),  plasma  reactor,
               Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD)

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