Page 381 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 381


    Autor: EVGENIJA MIRĈESKI, II razred srednje škole,
    Mentor:  prof. VESNA RAJŠIĆ


                      Korene trigonometrije srećemo još u starom veku, u Egiptu i  Mesopotamiji. Stari Grci

               zbog izuĉavanja astronomije razvijali su i sfernu trigonometriju (naroĉito Hiparh koji se naziva

               ’’ocem trigonometrije’’, kao i Menelaj iz Aleksandrije). Sferna trigonometrija nalazi primenu u
               navigaciji, zemljomerstvu, mehanici. Ova oblast me je zainteresovala zbog svoje široke primene,

               jer bez znanja osnova sferne trigonometrije nemoguće je rešiti mnoge zadatke iz oblasti sferne
               astronomije,  geodezije,  kartografije,  moreplovstva.  U  radu  sam  objasnila  osnovne  elemente

               sferne  trigonometrije,  svojstva  sfernih  trouglova  i  teoreme  koje  su  vaţne  za  razumevanje  i
               rešavanje zadataka iz ove oblasti.

               Kljuĉne reĉi: trigonometrija, sfera, trougao, sferna trigonometrija, sferni trougao


                       The earliest studies of trigonometry can be traced back to the ancient times, in Egypt and
               Mesopotamia. The ancient Greeks (especially Hipparchus, who is now known as "the father of

               trigonometry”,  and  Menelaus  of  Alexandria),  developed  spherical  trigonometry  because  of

               astronomical studies. Spherical trigonometry is of great importance for navigation, land survey,
               and  mechanical  engineering  calculations.  This  branch  of  mathematics  aroused  my  interest

               because it has numerous applications; without the basic knowledge of spherical trigonometry we

               cannot solve many problems of spherical astronomy, geodesy, cartography and nautics. In this
               paper,  I  have  explained  the  basic  elements  of  spherical  trigonometry,  properties  of  spherical

               triangles and theorems which are important for understanding and solving problems in this area.

               Key words:  trigonometry, sphere, triangle, spherical trigonometry, spherical triangle
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