Page 383 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 383
Autori: NIKOLA MILIĆ I NIKOLA MARKOVIĆ Škola: Elektrotehniĉka škola „Nikola
Tesla“Razred: I-8
Mentor: VIOLETA KOMNENOVIĆ Diplomirani Matematiĉar profesor matematike u
Elektrotehniĉkoj školi „Nikola Tesla“
Ovim radom trudimo se da predstavimo jednu višu dimenziju, njeno prikazivanje, razumevanje, i okolnosti u kojima
se prikazuje. Cilj ovog istraţivanja jeste prezentacija ĉetvorodimenzionalnog objekta koji nije toliko poznat ljudima, i
odgovaranje na neka vaţna pitanja vezano za temu. Ideja je došla iz filma Kocka 2 – Hiperkocka, gde se objekat
prezentuje nasumiĉnim sobama, koje imaju strukturu Hiperkocke.Stranci su se našli u nepoznatom 4D objektu, gde ne
deluju zakoni fizike na koje smo navikli. Naizgled, nemoguće je pobeći iz takvog objekta, zbog njegove same
strukture. U radu ćemo detaljno objasniti strukturu Hiperkocke, i njenu projekciju u dve i tri dimenzije. Za ovaj
istraţivaĉki rad, koristili smo pomoć raznih knjiga, internet stranica, i savete struĉnih matematiĉara. Ţelimo da
sklopimo jedinstveni prikaz N-kocke, kako bi ljudi shvatili šta ona predstavlja.Nadamo se da će sledeće generacije
koristiti ovaj rad kao uput u ĉetvorodimenzionalni svet, i kao pomoć pri pisanju svog istraţivaĉkog rada.mSamo
istraţivanje, zasnovano je na ĉinjenicama i zakonima 4D prostora. Moţemo samo da posmatramo, istraţujemo i
zakljuĉujemo stvari iz takvog jednog prostora i time da zaokruţimo priĉu o Hiperprostoru. Ovaj rad je jednostavan, a i
istovremeno obuhvata šrikok opseg informacija i ĉinjenica, koji ĉitaoca lako upućuju u njegov sadrţaj i omogućuju mu
lakše shvatanje odreĊene oblasti. Ključne reči: Hiperprostor, Tesseract, Zamišljanje, Projekcija, Rotacija,
With this work we are trying to introduce a higher dimension, its presentation, understanding, and the circumstances in
which the display. The aim of this research is four-dimensional presentation of the object that is not so famous to
people, and answer some important questions about the topic. The idea came from the movie Cube 2- Hypercube,
where the object is presented in random rooms, which have the structure of the hypercube. Strangers found themselves
in unfamiliar 4D facility, where the laws of physics we are used to, doesnt work. Seemingly, it is impossible to escape
from such a facility because of its very structure. In this research we will explain in detail the structure of the
hypercube, and its projection in two and three dimensions. For this research, we used the help of various books,
websites, and advice to professional mathematicians. We want to put together a unique display of N-cube, so that
people understand what it presents.We hope that the next generation will use this work as a referral in four-
dimensional world, and help them with writing their own research. The research itself, is based on the facts and laws
of 4D space. We can only observe, investigate and conclude things in such a space and time to round up the story of
hyperspace. This presentation is simple, and also includes wide amount of information and facts, which easily refer
readers to its contents and allow them easier understanding of a particular area.
Keywords: Hyperspace, Tesseract, Imagining, Projection, Rotation, Construction