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P. 106

S T A R S   A N D   G A L A X I E S
                                              Z V E Z D E   I   G A L A K S I J E


               Milica Vlajković, III grade, First economy school (Prva ekonomska škola), Belgrade Mentor

               Tatjana Glogovac, content writer and english language teacher


                      For thousands of years people have watched the night sky, naming and observing the objects
               and throughout the years the way the universe is viewed has drastically changed. Human kind seeks to
               understand how the universe works and their place in it.In order to understand how the universe work,
               its initial state and how it became the universe we know, scientists must first understand stars, galaxies
               and their evolutions. The purpose of this work is to understand at least a part of how stars and galaxies

                      Stars  are  astronomical  objects  that  represent  the  fundamental  part  of  galaxies  and  universe
               itself. The history, dynamic and evolution of the galaxy can be understood through the age, distribution
               and composition of its stars. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe and they are quite
               mysterious  for  scientists.  The  Milky  Way  belongs  to  the  Local  group  of  galaxies  along  with  the
               Andromeda galaxy, our nearest galaxy, and it's predicted that they will collide in about 4 billion years,
               but is rather unknown what will happen then. Understanding galaxies gives knowledge for understanding
               the universe itself, black holes and the origin of the universe.

               Key words: stars, galaxies, universe


                      Hiljadama godina ljudi su posmatrani nodno nebo i objekte koje vide na njemu i davali im imena i
               tokom godina koje su prošle način na koji vidimo univerzum je se menjao. Ljudi pokušavaju da razumeju
               način na koji univerzum funkcioniše i njihovo mesto u njemu. U cilju razumevanja univerzuma, njegovog
               početnog stanja i kako je postao univerzum za koji mi znamo, naučnici prvo moraju razumeti zvezde,
               galaksije  i  njihove  evolucije.  Cilj  rada  je  da  se  razume  makar  deo  načina  na  koji  zvezde  i  galaksije

                      Zvezde  su  nebeska  tela  koja  predstavljaju  osnovnu  komponentu  galaksija  i  celokupnog
               univerzuma. Istorija, dinamika i evolucija galaksija može biti shvadena kroz starost, distribuciju i sastav
               njihovih zvezda. U svemiru postoje hiljade milijardi galaksija i one predstavljaju misteriju za naučnike.
               Mlečni  put  pripada  Lokalnoj  grupi  galaksija  zajedno  sa  galaksijom  Andromeda,  našom  najbližom
               galaksijom. Predviđeno je da de se one sudariti za oko 4 milijarde godina, ali je nepoznato šta de se tada
               desiti.  Razumevanje  galaksija,  a  samim tim  i  zvezda,  daje osnovu  za  razumevanje  samog  univerzuma,
               njegovog nastanka i crnih rupa.

                Ključne reči: zvezde, galaksije, kosmos
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