Page 107 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 107



               Author:Nina NikolićGrade: I High school: Šesta beogradska gimnazija

               Mentor: Tatjana Glogovac


               George Eliot, pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans (born Nov. 22,1819. - Dec. 22,1880.), was English
               Victorian novelist who developed the method of psychological analysis characteristic of modern fiction
               in the age of Realism.
               One of Eliot’s masterpieces ‘The Mill on the Floss’ was published in 1860.when the Victorian Britain was
               reigned by monarch Queen Victoria and difficulties escalated due to the vision of ‘ideal woman’ shared
               by  the  society.  They  were  deprived  of  their  right  to  vote,  sue  or  own  property,  and  they  were
               evaluated  almost  solely  by  their  purity  and  submissiveness.  Their  education  was  limited;  their  roles
               were bound to the households; they could not give free rein to their thoughts; their essential and only
               challenge in life was to ingratiate themselves with their husbands.In the book ' The Mill on the Floss '
               genders  have  certain  roles  and  main  protagonist  gets  discriminated  against  because  of  excessive
               desire to learn and female body.
               Maggie  Tulliver(main  character  from  the  book  representing  Eliot)  ,  although  did  not  think  the
               educational  system  unfit,  was  influenced  strongly  by  the  social  prejudice,  as  her  family  prejudiced
               against  her  gaining  access  to  education.  She  was  a  victim  of  such  education.  Her  behaviour  in
               childhood  forcefully  denied  the  prevailing  view  that  women  were  incapable  of  rational  or  abstract
               thought and were too susceptible and too fragile to be able to think clearly. This paper will research
               the question ‘Did George Eliot express her feminism through The Mill on the Floss?’

               Key words:  Maggie; feminism; George Eliot; The Mill on the Floss; realism;

               Dţordţ Eliot,pseudonim za Meri En Evans (22.11.1819.  – 22.12.1880.),je bila engleska Viktorijanska
               romanospisateljica  koja  je  razvila  metod  psihičke  analize  karakteristika  moderne  fikcije  u  doba
               Jedno  od  Eliotovih  najboljih  dela  ’Vodenica  na  Flosi’  je  objavljeno  1860.  kada  je  Viktorijanskom
               Britanijom  vladala  kraljica  Viktorija  i  teškoćama  eskalirala  zbog  vizije  ’idealne  ţene’  proširene  u
               društvu.Ţene su lišene prava da glasaju,tuţe ili imaju sopstvenu imovinu i bile su ocenjivane samo po
               čistoti  i  pokornosti.  Njihovo  obrazovanje  je  bilo  ograničeno;  njihove  uloge  su  bile  vezane  za
               domaćinstvo;nisu  mogle  pustiti  mislima  na  slobodu;njihov  suštinski  i  jednini  izazov  je  bio  da  se
               dodvore  sa  muţevima.U  knjizi  ’Vodenica  na  Flosi’  polovi  imaju  određene  uloge  i  glavni  protagonista
               biva diskriminisam zbog prevelike ţelje za učenjem i ţenskog tela.

               Megi  Taliver  (glavni  lik  u  knjizi  koji  predstavlja  Eliota),iako  nije  mislila  da  je  obrazovni  sistem
               nesposoban,bila je pod uticajem jakih društvenih predrasuda,kao i predrasuda njene porodice prema
               njenom  dobijanju  pristupa  obrazovanju.  Ona  je  jedna  ţrtva  takvog  obrazovanja.  Njeno  ponašanje  u
               detinjstvu  nasilno  je  negiralo  preovlađujući  stav  da  ţene  nisu  sposobne  za  racionalno  ili  apstraktno
               razmišljanje,kao i da su previše osetljive i previše krhke da bi jasno razmišljale. Ovaj rad će istraţiti
               pitanje ’Da li je Dţordţ Eliot izrazila svoj feminizam kroz roman ’Vodenica na Flosi?’

               Ključne reči: Megi; feminizam; Dţordţ Eliot; Vodenica na Flosi; realizam;
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