Page 389 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 389

                                                 ARABIAN    MATHEMATICS

                  Uĉenik: Stefan   Kmeţević Ii  Ekomomska, Odeljenje  I - 9
                  Mentor: Vesna Rajšić, Prof. Mat. Etš „Nikola Tesla“


               Matematika    mora  biti  zanimljiva,  raznolika    i  dinamiĉna  .  Razvoj  matematike  kroz
               istoriju   veoma  je  usko povezan uz razvoj matematiĉkih saznanja  kod  ĉoveka. Prve
               civilizacije  (3000  g.p.n.e.)  dobro    su  poznavale  astronomju.    U  starom    veku(od  700
               g.p.n.e.  do  10  st.n.e.)  javlja    se    prelaz  s  konkretnog  na  apstraktno    u    razvoju

               matematike.Srednji vijek  nam  govori  o  razvoju  matematike u Indiji  gde  se  istiĉe
               njen  numeriĉki karakter,  uvode razlomci,  negativni  brojevi  i nule;  prvi  simboli.

               Arapi uzimaju od Grka i Indijaca najbolje, a posebno razvijaju algebru.  Arapi u Evropu
               donose dela Aristotela koja se prevode na latinski. Smatra  se da su  Arapi u dostignu-
               ćima matematike bitni jedino kao sakupljaĉi i prenosioci  tekovina starih naroda – ipak

               nije tako.  Arapska matematika je kasnije imala veliki uticaj i bila jedan od dominantnih
               pokretaĉa u evropskoj matematici.

               Kljuĉne  reĉi:  trigonometrija,  arapski    matematiĉari,    teorija  brojeva,  algoritam,
               algebra,  jednaĉine.


               Mathematics has to be interesting, miscellaneous and vibrant. Historic development of

               mathematics  is  closely  related  to  development  of  mathematical  comprehension  among
               people. The first civilizations (3.000 years B.C.) were acquainted with astronomy.During
               the ancient times (in period 700 years B.C. till 10  century) in math growth had occurred
               a concrete to the abstract transition. Middle Ages notified the mathematics development
               in India with emphasis on its numeric character, also fractions, negatives numbers and
               nulls had been established as the first symbols.

               The Arabs had acquired the best Greek and Indian expertise, and particularly had been
               developing the algebra.  Aristotle’s manuscripts had been brought in Europe and after
               that translated into Latin.  Related to mathematics accomplishments, the Arabs had been
               considered only as gatherers and transmitters of the ancient people inheritance, but it is
               not the truth. The Arab math subsequently had greatly influenced the European math and
               also had been among its leading establishers.

               Key words:  trigonometry, Arab mathematicians, theory of numbers, algorithm,
               algebra, equations
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