Page 392 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 392

                                                     GOLDEN RATIO
    Autor:   VRANIĆ NEVENA Peta beogradska gimnazija III 6
    Mentor:  VESNA RAJŠIĆ Profesor matematike


               Cilj istraţivanja je otkriće vrednosti zlatnog preseka.

               Metod  istraţivanja:  Sakupljanje,ĉitanje,analiziranje  literature.  Dolazak  do  novih  zakljuĉaka,i
               primena nauĉenog.

               Sve  stvari  u  prirodi  u  svojoj  osnovi  sadrţe  zlatni  presek,to  je  vid  savršene  prirodne  podele.
               Takvu simetriju i ravnoteţu uvidjamo ako se manji deo odnosi prema većem isto kao veći prema

               Ključne reci : minor, major, celina, balans, simetrija, neprekidna podela.


               The aim of the research value of the discovery of the golden ratio.

               Method Research: Collecting, reading, analyzing literature. Coming up with new conclusions,
               and the application of the learned.

               All things in nature, basically include the golden ratio, it's kind of perfect natural division. Such
               symmetry and balance if we see a smaller part relates to the larger as well as the larger to whole.

               Key words : minor, major, whole,balance,symmetry, continued segregation.
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